作為一間對社會負責任的企業,公司積極響應 “四川救災大行動” 為地震災民籌款,以協助災民脫離困境。有賴公司上下員工鼎力支持,是次籌款活動已圓滿結束,所籌得之款項打破歷年來的紀錄。為大力支持這次募捐,員工所籌得之善款,公司會捐出同樣款項予「香港紅十字會中國賑災」戶口。
Oriental Logistics is a, major asset-based, third party logistics service provider in Hong Kong. Seamlessly providing one-stop logistics management solutions, freight forwarding, contract logistics and tailor-made solutions on a personal level. Founded in 1997, with its headquarters in Hong Kong and having operations and warehouses. Oriental Logistics provides quality logistics services for multi-nationals from around the globe for various sectors.